God has given us all unique gifts, and God calls us to use these gifts for the sake of the Kingdom. The opportunities listed below may be a great way for you to bless others and serve our world.
Compassion International is a Christian child advocacy ministry that helps more than 1.3 million children in 26 countries, releasing children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. Many First Pres Maumee members sponsor children through Compassion. Not only do they provide for the child through a $38/month sponsorship, but they also intentionally build Christ-centered relationships with the child through letters and small gifts. While our sponsored children can be found around the globe, we are focusing our efforts in the Dominican Republic.
As a church family, we are sponsoring 167 Compassion children, including 42 kids from DR0456, where we have additionally supported construction of a water treatment facility and the building of a third floor for their Compassion Center.
Members of our congregation had the opportunity to visit their sponsor children on a week-long mission trip to the Dominican Republic and bring needed items, toys, and bibles to the children. We hope to visit again in 2023.
After members of First Pres Maumee saw how the lack of clean water affected those in the Dominican Republic on a mission trip, they sprung into action. In 2016, our church raised enough funds to purchase a water purification system to supply a village of 15,000 access to clean water. Learn more here.
First Pres Maumee is pleased to partner with Frontier Fellowship.
“As part of God’s mission to the world, we invite believing communities to engage people groups where the Good News of Jesus and his Kingdom are not yet known.”
You can learn more about this organization on their website.
Elder Phares Nyaga Mithamo, from Kenya, was hosted by First Pres Maumee from Friday, October 11 – Sunday, October 19 as part of the Mission to the USA (MUSA) program through the Synod of the Covenant (Michigan and Ohio). The MUSA program links churches in the Synod of the Covenant with international church clergy and lay leaders. While Elder Phares was with us, he joined in the life of the church in worship, bible study, meals and more as cultural barriers were broken down and he truly became our brother in Christ.
The focus of the Synod’s MUSA program for the years 2017-2019 was Christian-Muslim relations. Elder Phares came to us from a majority Muslim country, and was a valuable resource to the Muslim-Christian Dialogue group, which meets in our church building. His world view was valuable to the entire church as we affirmed the unity of the church in an effort to foster oneness in the global community.
When there are extraordinary global challenges that threaten the body of Christ, First Pres Maumee often responds through partnerships with The Outreach Foundation. We have given significantly to support Christian refugees in Syria suffering deeply as a result of that country’s civil war, while also offering support to Christians in Iraq who have lost their homes and livelihood because of the ISIS terrorist group. On an on-going basis, we support missionaries in both Syria and Iraq, whose identities cannot be published due to security reasons.