“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
~2 Corinthians 9:7
The Christian life is an offering of one's self to God. One of the ways we respond to Christ's call to discipleship is by returning some of the financial provision that God has provided to us.
Our church offers online giving – an easy and convenient way to make a financial gift to the mission of the church by using a debit or credit card or electronic funds transfer. The service, which is hosted by the Presbyterian Foundation, is easily accessed by clicking on the “Give Now” button. Be assured that the transaction is safe and secure, and your gift will be available to our ministry immediately, with no waiting periods. Online giving offers benefits both for you and for the church:
- You may arrange recurring donations to continue giving faithfully even on weeks you are not able to attend services.
- The church benefits from a more steady and reliable flow of gifts.
- Work to process checks and cash gifts is reduced when gifts are made online instead.
There are three types of giving that can be made online: General/Pledge as a donation to the church; Mission for a specific ministry (example-Mosaic, Wednesday Nights); Payments (will not be included on charitable giving statement, example-flower donation, book purchase)
If you are here in person on Sunday mornings, the offering will be collected in the offering plates during the services. If you would like to give a cash or check donation for our Wednesday night dinners or other missions or projects, there are donation boxes located on the wall to the right when you enter the sanctuary, and downstairs on the left wall when you enter Fellowship Hall. If possible, please place your donation in an envelope with your name. We are so grateful for your generosity!