Music is an important part of who we are at First Pres Maumee. We are thankful for the gift of music and we strive to use this gift to honor God. There are many ways that you can get involved in the music ministry at First Pres Maumee. For more information about any of our music opportunities , please contact Kristen Woodard, Director of Worship & Music, kwoodard@firstpresmaumee.

The Chancel Choir leads in worship during the 10:45 am Traditional Service, supporting and leading the congregation in the singing of hymns and also sharing an anthem. They also perform at our annual Christmas Concert. This ensemble is open to any vocalists, adults and teens, who have a desire for singing quality music. The Chancel Choir is under the direction of Kristen Woodard, Director of Worship & Music.

The Handbell Choir, under the direction of Nick Kottman, is open to any teens or adults who are interested in ringing handbells. The choir plays in the 10:45 am Traditional Service several times a year. No experience is necessary.

The Modern Band serves weekly at the 9:00 am Modern Service, supporting the congregation in singing of hymns and songs. The ensemble is made up of both vocalists and instrumentalists; including guitar, bass, drums, and piano, along with winds and strings. Opportunities are available to join in rehearsals to make music with others in preparation for Sunday worship.

Children have the opportunity to join in song as a part of Wednesday evening children’s activities. Children work on songs to help them learn scriptural truths, and to enable them to participate in Sunday worship.

First Pres Maumee offers a free monthly recital series to the community and church. Recitals are free and are held monthly on Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Check out our events page for more information.
There are also additional concerts and programs happening at First Pres Maumee throughout the year. Check out a full listing by clicking the link below.