We each have unique, God-given gifts. If you are looking for a way to use your gifts, the opportunities listed below may be a great way for you to find a place to serve.
We are thankful for the many who serve on Sunday mornings as we gather as a church. If you would like to be involved on any of our Sunday morning teams, please contact Kristen Woodard, Director of Worship & Music, kwoodard@firstpresmaumee.org.
USHERS – demonstrating servanthood for those in worship on Sunday mornings by supporting worship leaders and congregation members.
FELLOWSHIP HOSTS – preparing for our time of fellowship and food between worship services.
MUSIC TEAMS – encouraging the congregation to come together in song.
TECH TEAM – helping us share God’s story within our church and beyond by assisting in running slides, sound, and video for the services.
PRAYER TEAM – demonstrating our call to love God & love others through praying together before, during, and after services on Sunday mornings.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM – sharing the message of God’s love with our youngest worshipers.
We are thankful for the many who serve on Wednesday nights as we gather for dinner and invite the community to join. If you would like to be involved on any of our Wednesday night teams, please contact Pastor Jason – jarmstrong@firstpresmaumee.org
Kitchen Set-up and Serving – preparing the table for a time of fellowship and food
Kitchen Clean-up – cleaning Fellowship Hall after the community meal
Children’s Activity Leaders – showing God’s love to the youngest in our congregation by leading crafts, games, and other activities.
Junior High Team – sharing your faith through building relationships with our teens, leading discussion, games and activities.
Photography – capturing special moments through photography